Another CDM2 failed

Well it has been a while since my last post, but currently I am busy with some career changes. Starting a new job after 28 years at SMC is quite tough, many new impressions, people, processes and not to forget a different business language (abbreviations).

However, another CDM2 failed during the last weeks. It failed to navigate between tracks with the well known error to move the swing arm up and down like it’s getting crazy. After disassembling and connecting the drive to my, for troubleshooting prepared, CD150 everything works fine. Means the drive and controller itself seems to be good which narrows down the failure to the decoder board or cables. Next step, and the least complicated, is to re-crimp the cables and to clean contacts. In generell, this is always a good idea to start with. Contacts might be corroded over the years and if someone already repaired the unit it is quite likely they pulled the wires instead of the connector housing to disconnect. It is never a good idea to unplug connectors by pulling the cables.

I am still planing some videos about realised modifications of the implementation of a BlueTooth module, active cooling, new controllers with improved firmware, remote control and many more. Just need to find some time…

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