Another CD555 sold at eBay

Another non working CD555 showed up at eBay and got sold for 181€. Luckily the winner gets the original speakers which is not usual. Congratulations! In general it’s in a very nice condition.

The winner contacted me, respectively Video #4, afterwards, but I am not able to answer since the comment on YouTube is not visible, even not for me. I just got the notification per mail from YouTube.

Yvo, I know you are reading this blog as you mentioned it in your post. If you need any help just contact me per mail. I would be happy to support you restoring the device! 

The button for the tape counter is broken and if you need replacement I do have a spare part. Since the cassette CPU hangs on this device you will not be able to check the CD-Player. But it is possible to check if the CD-Player is working when you are able to reset the cassette mechanism into its default state – I am going to show the procedure to you.

Things you will need for sure to get it back working:

  • New belt, at the moment not available from the user I bought them. Try to find a FC150 or FC450 compatible since they contain a limited version of the built-in SER1 cassette mechanism
  • New gear (link), unfortunately the whole is sometimes not centred which makes the gear unusable
  • As mentioned, if you like to reset the tape counter I do have a spare part

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