New MicroController Board Rev.C running inside the CD555

After a while there has been some progress regarding the new Micro-Controller Board. Let’s skip Revision B since it still had some issues and move forward to revision C.

This revision finally made it inside the SoundMachine. Everything fits and is working although I have to change the position of connectors for easier assembly.

It is not possible to get the same connectors used in the machine anymore. Caused some headache… but finally the used connectors failed and I decided to replace them all. They are another source of malfunction and every time I disassemble a machine some of the wires fail and I have to start over again. Therefore, let’s get rid of them in the final release.

It seems that I solved the recognition of the end of a track for the CDM2. The remote control is also working. The only thing that is missing is to change the volume but I haven’t got any ideas how to solve this. There are no motor driven potentiometer that would fit inside the machine neither would they have the same capabilities of the built in potentiometer.

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