Finally another CD555 got rescued from the dumpster and except from recording to tape, everything works fine. We are going to have a look at the record function later on since I am off for a couple of weeks.
I have also replaced the missing radio station indicator. Based on the original I rebuild it with the resin printer and got a really good result, looks like new (picture below: left original, right replacement). As always, you can download the CAD file in the download section.
After reassembling everything I noticed a very loud whistle from the swing arm of the CD-Player when playing the last 2 to 3 tracks of an Audio CD. This problem drove me crazy as it took me several days to identify and to find a solution. I disassembled the swing arm completely, cleaned everything and put new grease on the significant parts without success. I ended up to keep the little screw holding the spring plates of the focus looser.
Funny side note: While Markus picked up his Sound Machine we noticed that one speaker was not working, the tweeter got silent. It took us a while to remove the front cover. On some CD555 the front cover of the speakers are glued to the box and it is almost impossible to remove them. I only had this issue with my original speaker where the front cover already broke several years ago. When Markus finally got the speaker apart (I feared to break the cover) we noticed after a while that the magnet of the tweeter was missing. It got caught by the magnet of the woofer. Luckily I was able to click it back into the tweeter and fixed it with some glue.
At the end, the Sound Machine is back alive and I hope Markus will have a lot of fun with this awesome piece.