Tape recording is now working

There was a little problem left on unit 2: pressing record caused an electrical short and a fuse on the AM/FM Panel got toasted. With he help of some picture from the other machine I figured out the undocumented cable was on a wrong pin. Hell, someone soldered it to the wrong position! Just took me some hours to recognise the fact. 

Afterwards the electrical short was history but the cassette still not recorded music. My first thought was diode 6771 since the undocumented cable is connected to it and this part is the first one that might possible get toasted. Et voilá, that was the solution.

Now I was able to code the missing record modes. Not quite sure if all the events from the CD CPU are working since I have no documentation when they get fired. A problem might be that both CPUs are not synced anymore. However, the results are fine and I will publish the code soon. Just need a little bit more tests…


Don’t worry, the cat always controls my work…

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